Below are some of the additional fees that may appear on your student account.
Course fees, if applicable, are noted in the Course Catalog.
Lab/Studio Course Fees
Lab sciences and studio art courses may require associated fees
$25-200 per course
Instructional Music Courses (Guitar, Piano, and Voice)
$350/credit hour
Gateway Program Fee
Late Payment Fee
Assessed if semester bill is not paid in full by August 1 (fall semester) and January 1 (spring semester)
Late Registration Fee
Assessed if not registered for courses for the upcoming semester by posted deadline
Student Health Insurance Fee
All enrolled students are required to have health insurance coverage. The insurance fee is assessed to students who purchase coverage through our preferred partner, Gallagher Student. Students who have comparable coverage can submit a waiver and be exempt from this charge. More information can be found here. *Fee subject to change.
Annual indirect costs you might incur [or need to budget for]
Transportation: $1,600
Personal Expenses: $1,100