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Residence Life Contract

This form is for continuing students. Incoming first-year and transfer students will complete a housing contract within their Holy Cross Applicant Portal as part of the new student enrollment process.

Please completely read the form below, and fill out the indicated areas.

    Please completely read the form below, and fill out the indicated areas.

    Personal Information

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Home Address*





    Student Cell Phone*

    Email Address*

    Student ID #

    Date of Birth


    Shirt Size


    Room and Board for 2025-26 (per Semester)

    This "Residence Life Contract" must be completed before being considered for housing. To continue the process of housing registration, you must agree to abide by Holy Cross policies and procedures outlined in this contract. You are also required to verify that your $200.00 Housing Deposit has been submitted.

    Living in a Holy Cross College residence hall is a privilege accompanied by considerable individual and collective responsibility. Carefully read and become familiar with the contractual information that you must accept in order to proceed.

    Holy Cross College agrees to provide residence hall accommodations and meals according to the academic year schedule. Students agree to become members of the residence community, and to adhere to and support the rules and regulations as found in the Holy Cross College Student Handbook.

    The student also agrees to pay the College the prescribed fees and be subject to the terms and conditions below. By submitting this contract the student understands and accepts the associated costs and financial responsibility.

    This housing contract is governed by Indiana Law and any questions about the terms of the contract shall be brought to the attention of the College for clarification before a student accepts its terms.

    1. This housing contract is for the entire academic year. The student shall be entitled occupancy of the residence hall after noon on the opening day announced prior to each semester. A $750 Contract Cancellation Fee will be assessed to the account of any student who moves out of the residence halls prior to the expiration of the contract. Releases from residence life contracts will be granted only in the event of withdrawal from the college, or serious extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control. Requests to be released from this contract must be submitted in writing along with appropriate documentation to the Director of Residence Life no later than December 1. Students withdrawing from residence halls or who are removed due to student conduct will be subject to the College's refund policy as stated in the student handbook.

    2. This is a residence hall and food service contract. The combined agreement is binding when submitted by the student and assigned by a representative of the College. This contract does not guarantee a specific room or type of assignment, but rather a housing accommodation. Every effort will be made to assign the type of accommodation and roommates based on information provided by the student, provided applications have been received in a timely manner. The agreement may not be transferred, sold or re-assigned to another student.

    3. Housing is NOT available during Christmas Vacation as determined by the Residence Life Calendar. All residents are responsible for their own housing during this period. Resident students involved in school sponsored trips/activities may be accommodated. Students who request and are granted permission to stay on campus during Fall, Thanksgiving, Spring, and Easter Breaks will be granted a meal plan for their use over that break that will enable them to dine at a dining hall operated by the College’s food service contractor Notre Dame Campus Dining. Closing hours will be posted prior to each break period. Residents with specific needs, may request as much as a 24 hour extension to remain in the residence hall past the posted closing at the end of each semester. The College reserves the right to deny such requests, and if granted, to charge the student $30 per day of approved extension.

    4. The College reserves the right: (a) to change or cancel the room assignment of a student for reasons of health, conduct detrimental to the living group, failure to attend class on a regular basis, or violations of regulations; (b) to enter any room for the purpose of inspection, authorized search, inventory, or repair; (c) to levy and collect charges (individually or collectively) for damages to or unauthorized use of or alterations of rooms, equipment, and hall properties; (d) to approve all guests in the residence hall. College housing is available to full-time students. Continued housing for students falling below full-time status (12 hours) will be at the discretion of the Director of Residence Life. Students who withdraw from the College or from all of their classes must leave campus housing immediately.

    5. Students in the residence halls will be billed a $350 Damage Deposit and students at University Edge will be billed a $500 Damage Deposit to cover room and common area damages. Damages occurring during the year will be assessed to the student account. Any amount of this deposit not used to repair or replace damaged property will be returned within 90 days of non-returning students check-out of the residence halls, provided the student has not been dismissed from the residence halls due to conduct or grades, or has not voluntarily withdrawn from the residence halls prior to May.

    6. The College shall have no responsibility for: theft, destruction or loss of money, valuables or personal properties belonging to or being in custody of the resident from any cause whatsoever, whether such losses occur from the resident's room, the storage room, or public areas. EACH RESIDENT IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO CARRY HIS/HER OWN PERSONAL PROPERTY INSURANCE.

    7. Holy Cross College reserves the right to notify parents. The college may notify parents of residents who are found to be responsible for violating college policy regarding alcohol, drugs, acts of violence, and residents who have attempted or threatened to cause bodily harm to themselves or others.

    8. The contract is valid when it is accompanied by a $200 Housing Deposit and $200 Enrollment Deposit. Both deposits will be held by the college and applied towards the student's housing/tuition bill. If the student cancels his or her housing contract on or before May 3, 2024 (or December 1, 2024 if moving in at the Spring Semester) the deposit will be refunded. If the cancellation occurs after May 3, 2024 (or December 1, 2024), the deposit is forfeited.

    9. All rooms are equipped with a bed, desk, desk chair, and wardrobe or closet. The College also provides internet service, streaming services, and laundry facilities for residents.

    10. There are a variety of housing accommodations available on campus. Residence halls include single, double, and triple occupancy rooms as well as a limited number of apartment style accommodations. A small number of double rooms have a private bathroom.

    11. Selection of Rooms. Current College students will select their rooms for the upcoming school year in late April. In July, College staff will begin to hand-match new incoming students with their roommates / room requests, based on the selections made on the Residence Life Contract. Every effort will be made to assign rooms, the type of accommodation and roommates based on information provided by the student, provided applications have been received in a timely manner. However, the College does not guarantee that all requests will be accommodated.

    12. Holy Cross offers housing for upper-classmen in a select building of University Edge, an off-campus apartment complex located 1 mile north of Holy Cross College. These 4 bedroom/4 bathroom apartments are considered living on campus for financial aid packages and are available at the same room & board rate. University Edge residents receive a different meal plan than traditional residential students. In order to live in at University Edge, residents must complete a separate documentation process to qualify for and be accepted into the University Edge Residential Community, which includes a successful completion of a background check. Additionally, University Edge residents agree to comply with all non-financial obligations found in the Master-Lease between Holy Cross College and University Edge. University Edge Residents still have the same obligations of any other on campus resident of Holy Cross College. By agreeing to the terms and conditions of the residential contract, each University Edge resident confirms their responsibility to comply with all these obligations outlined within this contract and the Holy Cross College Student Handbook.

    13. There will be no additional fees in order to live at University Edge for the upcoming academic year, 2025-2026.

    14. Housing applications will be considered on a 'space-available' basis.

    15. Students will NOT have immediate notification of room assignment upon completion of the Residence Life Contract and $200 Housing Deposit. Notifications will be made as described in paragraph 11 above.


    In order to ensure that we best understand our future residents, it is asked that neither parents nor any other proxy answer the following roommate preference questions.

    NOTE: Because of the serious consideration that the College gives to this contractual agreement, each student is urged to read thoroughly the terms and conditions before submission to the College. Those who anticipate not being able to fulfill this contract for the entire academic year will be accommodated on a space-available basis. Notification must be submitted in writing within one week of submission of this contract to disclose any reason that may prevent you from fulfilling this contract.

    • ALL fields must be completed before submitting.

    • Information will not be saved if you cannot complete all fields below in one session.

    • Please do not use the ENTER or RETURN key while filling out this form. Use the TAB key to move between fields.

    Describe your student status
    First year at Holy Cross CollegeReturning student to Holy Cross College

    Select the term(s) for which you are applying for residence
    2025-2026 Full Academic Year2026 Spring Semester

    Do you have a physical disability or a medical concern that would affect your room assignment?

    If Yes, please describe: 

    Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

    If Yes, please describe: 

    1. What kind of a relationship do you want in a roommate?
    Do everything togetherTo be friendsTo be respectful and peacefully coexist

    2. How do you feel about your roommate using your belongings?
    Never a problem using any of my thingsOk, but only after asking permissionOk with electronics, but not my personal itemsMy roommate should not use any of my belongings

    3. How often do you clean your room?
    DailyTwice a weekWeeklyMonthlyBefore a family visitWhen I move out

    4. When does your average day begin?
    Before 8AM8-10AMAfter 10AM

    5. When does your average day end?
    Before 11PM11PM-1AMAfter 1AM

    6. How would you describe your sleeping habit?
    Light sleeperHeavy sleeper

    7. Please check the three (3) types of music that you listen to and enjoy the most:
    AlternativeBroadwayClassicalChristianCountryDanceFolkGospelHeavy MetalJazzLatinNew AgeOldiesOperaPopularPunkR and BRapReggaeHipHop

    8. Please check the three (3) ways you most enjoy spending extra time:
    ArtsComm. ServiceComputersDancingDiningFamilyMoviesMusicOutdoorsPartyingPhotographyReadingReligionRoad TripsSportsTelevisionTheaterVideo Games

    9. Describe your personality

    10. You prefer a roommate who is

    Social Environment: Each roommate has a primary right to the room to which he/she is assigned. With the permission of one’s roommate, guests may be invited into the room.

    11. How social do you prefer your room to be?
    Quiet and seriousWelcoming to one or two friends at a timeA lively social center where everyone hangs out

    12. With the level of noise in my room when I am studying, I
    Require absolute silenceLike low background musicAm able to tune out most noises - even loudLeave the room

    Neither smoking nor alcohol is permitted in any Holy Cross Residence Hall. However, as smoking and alcohol consumption manifest themselves in individual behavior, they may impact on roommates.

    13. Myself:
    I smokeI do not smoke

    14. My roommate:
    I prefer my roommate smokeI prefer my roommate not smokeI have no preference

    15. Myself:
    I drink alcoholI do not drink alcohol

    16. My roommate:
    I prefer a roommate who drinksI prefer a roommate who does not drinkI have no preference

    17. Please rank in order of preference, with "1" being most important, the type of room you would like.



    Triple (male only)

    Apartment On-Campus (male only)

    Apartment at University Edge

    18. Please rank in order of preference, with "1" being most important, the residence hall you would like to live in. CLICK HERE for more information on each hall.

    Anselm (male)

    Basil (male)

    James (female)

    North (female)

    Pulte 1 (male)

    Pulte 2 (female)

    South (male)

    University Edge **

    ** Upperclassmen only. You will be required to complete the Application to University Edge and agree to the policies of University Edge. University Edge residents will be subject to the additional fees outlined above.

    19. If you have a particular person you want to room with, type their name here.
    (NOTE: Roommate requests must be mutual.)

    20. Please provide any other important information that should be taken into consideration when placing you in the residence halls. None of the information taken in this survey will be shared outside of the Office of Residence Life & Housing.

    Important Information: 

    The contract is only valid when it is accompanied by a $200 Housing Deposit. Once receipt of housing deposit is made by Residence Life staff your completed housing application will be processed. Please submit your deposit now. If you're a new incoming student you'll submit your deposit through the Applicant Portal. Returning students submit the deposit through the Student Portal.

    By checking this box, I verify that my $200.00 Housing Deposit has been submitted

    To continue the process of housing registration, you must agree to abide by Holy Cross policies and procedures outlined in the Student Handbook and included in the contract above. If you so agree, please check "I accept" below (required to proceed).

    IMPORTANT: This contract is between the College and the student housing applicant. While parental and guardian involvement is encouraged, the STUDENT must read and agree to the contract. The student will be held responsible for the information provided in the housing contract as well as the behaviors and rules outlined in the Student Handbook.

    I AcceptI do not Accept
