Legacy Hall residents gather with Brothers of Holy Cross after it was announced the building would be renamed to honor the College’s founders.
On March 19, Holy Cross College came alive with celebration as hundreds of students, faculty, staff, and the Brothers of Holy Cross gathered in the Atrium to honor a legacy of faith, service, and education that has shaped the institution for decades.
During the ceremony, the Midwest Province of Brothers announced a generous $1 million gift to endow the role of Vice President for Mission and Ministry and support capital priorities, further solidifying their commitment to the College’s future.
In a heartfelt moment of gratitude, Holy Cross College unveiled a major announcement: the men’s dormitory South Hall will be renamed Legacy Hall, paying tribute to the Brothers and their enduring influence on the College’s mission and students.
President Marco Clark shared a poignant memory with Brother Ken Haders, Provincial of the Midwest Province of the Brothers of Holy Cross. “One of the promises I made to you—as the first non-religious priest or Brother to hold the position of president—was that we would always remember the legacy of the Brothers of Holy Cross, and that I would personally fight to maintain it,” he said.
Following the ceremony, attendees gathered in St. Joseph Chapel for Mass, celebrating the Solemnity of St. Joseph and the values of service and dedication he represents to Catholics.
Brother Ken, who entered the College as a seminarian in the late 1960s, reflected on the Brothers’ mission. “We are very proud of the role of Holy Cross College in taking students ready to be better and bringing them to excellence. We are very proud of the future we see coming,” he said.
President Clark, mentored by Brothers of Holy Cross during his high school years in Washington, D.C., expressed his deep admiration. “I have a deep love for the Brothers. It is that enduring sense of hope that the Brothers live with, which we proudly recognize today,” he said.

Holy Cross College students visit the newly renamed Legacy Hall on campus.