At Holy Cross, we provide students a wide range of opportunities to use their talents to contribute to the liturgy. For example, you might:
- Sing with the Liturgical Choir. Create a joyful and worship-filled musical experience by joining your voice with other students in praise. Email for more information!
- Serve as a lector. The Liturgy of the Word is an essential component of Catholic Mass. A good lector brings the reading to life and helps people connect with the Word of God.
- Volunteer as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, where you’ll help dispense the Eucharist sacramentally to those in attendance.
- Help out behind the scenes. Set up chairs, pass out hymnals, coordinate refreshments and programs after Mass, or assist with other logistical matters that enable Mass to run smoothly. This is a quiet but essential service.
If you wish to be involved in Liturgical Ministry please contact