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Career Development

Career Development: Preparing courageous leaders

Male student at his summer internship

The goal of career development at Holy Cross College is to help students understand how their growth as a scholar, citizen, leader, and disciple is transferable to the skills necessary to find success in their endeavors after graduation. Every student will be personally and individually helped by a team member of the Office of Student Success.

No matter where you are in your career development journey, you’ll have access to a wide range of resources and experiences, including:

  • One-on-one Mentoring from an experienced team member willing to help you build a resume, make connections to grow your network, or find an opportunity to gain hands-on, practical work experience needed to discern and prepare for your next opportunity.
  • Pathway U, which helps students examine their skills, values, and work style preferences to discover possible career pathways and map the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in each field.
  • Handshake, where both Fortune 500 companies and local employers alike post full and part-time job openings, internships, volunteer opportunities, post-graduate service positions, and fellowships.
  • Professional Internships (every student earning a bachelor’s degree completes at least one), where you can test out your career path, experience new work environments, and build your professional network.
  • Ascend Indiana, which pairs students with an Indiana-based career mentor to help introduce students to early career positions (0 – 3-years’ experience) with partner organizations/companies based throughout the state of Indiana.
  • Engage in conversation with potential employers during our annual Career Fair, a highly curated event featuring employers hand-picked by our staff.
  • Hear from Holy Cross alumni living and working in the area as they share their professional experiences at on-campus events.
  • Senior Capstone, a course to help students understand and share how their passions and skills can make an impact in their first post-graduate opportunity.

Meet your professional mentors

Wendy Chapman, Career Development

Mailing address:
Holy Cross College
Career Development
P.O. Box 308
Notre Dame, IN 46556-0308