Michael Maibach will deliver a talk titled “The Electoral College & How Other Republics Elect Heads of Government” on September 25 at 7:00 p.m. in the Driscoll Auditorium at Holy Cross College in commemoration of Constitution Day. He is a Senior Fellow at the Aspen Institute 21st Century Manufacturing Program.

Maibach is a seasoned professional in global business diplomacy with successful careers at the European-American Business Council, Siebel Systems, the Intel Corporation and Caterpillar, Inc. In additional to the John Hay Institute, Maibach serves on Boards of the British American Business, Inc, the Witherspoon Institute, the Tocqueville Forum at Georgetown University, Faith & Law, and on the Advisory Boards of the Institute of Work Politics and the Center for the Study of Presidency & Congress.

Maibach studied at Northern Illinois University (B.A. Political Science & History, M.A. Constitutional Law), American University (B.S. International Business), Georgetown University (M.A. Political Philosophy) and the Institute of World Politics (M.A. Statecraft & International Affairs). He has also done postgraduate work at Oxford University and Cambridge University. He has published numerous essays on history, society, global trade and competitiveness.

The lecture is open to the public with a reception to follow.